Sunday, July 06, 2008

Changes of usage of _autoAlpha in Tweener AS3

This has to be a post I need to make to remind myself in the future. I almost wet my pants when I found my code to automatically hide an object invisibility, doesn’t work in AS3 anymore.
The usual code is like...

Tweener.addTween(myMC, {_autoAlpha:1,time:1,transition:"linear"})

in which there is no problem with the syntax. But upon searching through the vast sea of internet. This post at

enlighten my life that most of the special parameter that is not “official” will need an intialisation like :


Same, as the poster commented, hated to do these initialisation. But for the goodness sake of the API growth, it will help to keep the main API non-polluted, so to speak. My god.

Update : 8th July 2008
Got into more tips on using _Blur_blurX instead of the usual _blur_blurX now from this blog comment. And of course, you need to initalize your Tweener script once before using it.
