Friday, June 20, 2008


SWFAddress - Deep Linking For Flash
(and ajax)
Horray! The days of Flash bashing is (almost) over! And the complains has always been made that there is no possibility to deep linking inside Flash, that hurts when you want to bookmark a 'certain' area on a very cool flash site. Probably what is worse when you are going through a shopping cart and wanted to go back and forth using the browser's back and forward button. This has come to shed 'some' light to you. Upon a quick look inside the implementation. It would be applicable to corporate or portfolio sites, which normally uses 'label' for targetting from one section to another, because for this to work, we will have to use 'anchor' inside Flash, just like how HTML's anchor link works.

For example, an anchor link in HTML looks like...
and then it will directly bring the user towards the relevant page.
This applies that the almost similiar function will appear using SWFAddress.

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