Isabelle de Vooght
A very good portfolio site (content wise), seeing how this designer successfully conveying message of a car brand's selling point, combining both seemlessly non related object together. Who says you can't do that? That mini site won herself quite few recognition.

Just when I stumbled across this site, i went like, "ah...ok, the simplest idea that people say it might not work, might turn out to be the best idea". And this sparks another reason saying how limitless what kind of outcome Flash can do to you. A newspaper, as a company's site. Who say you can't do that? It's the matter of you want to do or don't want to.

Pardus - Massively Multiplayer Online Browser Game
Let's see, how things evolved nowadays, where prefernce are moving towards browser based application, which installation are void, except that you need to have a fast connection, and a hassle free browser, like Firefox, and a latest plugin from Flash. If you fancy a Shoot & Loot action, head on to The Land of the Dead.

Wayne Kerr Music
This is another site which sparks a good marriage between textures, music, vector graphics and some neat navigation. Though this site has came way back then, and looks dated, but the idea isn't, you might think to grab some inspiration off from different section and make it new all over again, and yes, this site gives a 'narrative-style' of presenting information, the left site and the right side are divided equally, and visually, it's beautiful. :D

Remember a site back in 2004 that appeared for Samsung, and broke the tradition of defining interactivity? And created a 'OH MY GOD' on everyone's mind? Yes, this is the portfolio site for the company that developed that site, DSTRICT, based in Korea, even on this site itself, the navigation and 'interactive experience' are clearly redefined, and how 'exploring navigation' should be. A+ Class Quality & Revolutionary

A blog dedicated towards some rich media application development, another hangout by the Flash Developers discussing on what's hot and not on the scene, plus you'll find at lot of interesting post targetting towards technology, browsers and operating system, good to know you'll learn something extra to optimize your Flash projects.

Crew 11
Latest graduating list of students from HyperIsland, namely crew11, and ready for internship for a period of 6 month (if i remember correctly), which turned out to moving towards a different art direction this time, compared what is usually done, previously, (look Crew9) which suggests a bright and clear look of the graduates, which this time, they decided to move towards a darker theme. This of course, created a lot of conversation between designers, and the reaction and outcome turned out to be very positive and satisfying. Having a web based project as big as this is certainly not an easy task, especially when dealing with more than 5 person involved. (You'll certainly know if you managed any campaign before), deadlines, and commitments, everything. I'd salute and bow to these dudes out there. And of course, HyperIsland is one of my dream land to step on.

SamBakZa, a very unusual name, but it's already very infamous among Flash animators, especially if you visit NewGrounds frequently for your daily flicks on Flash Animations, you'll see the top 10 having 2 animation did by these 3 talented dude from Korea, titled "There She Is". Of course, what makes them stands out so much from the rest, let's say, Ninjai? Is because the planning and execution would makes your jaw drops upon watching it(the animation). Camera Angles, music and sound effect synching, and well, virtually, you'll have to see for yourself. And this really makes everyone wondering, afterall, is it all about the $$$ or passion? Kudos to them.

If you'd need a break and in search for a different direction and a retro look, head over to this site, and note the styling done on the site's header, a video, yes.

Are you ready for some spring'ing action? Inspired by the latest sets of watches for Spring (note the season). You'll see how bouncy the site would be for you.

Spring By Dannon
*BOING* Those dudes from Juxt Interactive has done it again! I can't stress enough how much I enjoy most of their latest web projects, since NesteaIce, which nominated as the finalist for the Best Sound Category for Flash Forward this year. And also, the not very long ago, Just For the F Of It are also granted the Best Site of the day by TheFwa, man, this guys just really know how to keep the user busy with the brand while keeping the site loading. Pure fun. And clever.

Struck Design
Design, randomness, textures, and design, there's where you can talk about going inside the site.
Probably one of the most enlighting quote that I've saw throughout this year, "If you aren't doing interactive, you'd better get out of the business." Something really that great about this site, is THAT IT IS THAT BIG. And it's almost like the Emmy or Grammies for Interactive Design. Just look at the Gold winners, you'll be amazed on how something that is so unconventional works commercially. And you'll of course, find yourself looking at a vast variety of creative works.
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