Friday, March 10, 2006

Money vs. Deadline vs. Pride vs. Dupe?

There has been a massive uproar on a recent incident happened regarding duplicate of concept found on both of the site in between a famous site developed by Mr.Yugo Nakamura and his team and a local site developed by a local Malaysia company.

The Original Site
Of course this debate much has pretty much done a lot damage to the company and the local design industry justifying how us as sneaky Flash thief. It's really sad. But of course, instead of seeing everyone and being one that is bitchin' about What and How's bad the thing is, why not take up the courage and learn from the mistake?

I'm really tired to see the ugly side of the commercial world. Which a lot of the competitor of the company took up this advantage to bring down and defame the company. Sad case, it shows so much how Malaysian design company would do to survive and keep themself at the top.

But look, as a responsible designer at the first place, if it's all about money you're doing inside this industry, and I can gladly say, please get the hell your arse out of this industry and work in the pirated CD printing service, or sell Keow Teow goreng, yes please. At a point, we're looking at how we can 'make people happy with our work'. But if it's all 'only' about chasing deadline and finish the project because the sake of client ask us to finish it without them knowing why they ask you do the project at all. Worry not, soon, this country, beloved Malaysia, will R.I.P. and left no more responsible good designer, but all, just lame machine that copies work from other, and like photostate machine? It's not all about money, really.

I see a dying passion, why not we all work towards and fix it? Instead of only bitchin' about it? Why? It's okay we are weak, but the worst part would be we don't want to acknowledge that we are weak and improve from it.

Play a part, be yourself, be responsible. Learn from how other great one striving to build a better design community in this very 'corrupted' industry. I support THINK, DOXOB, Digital Malaya.

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