I was fiddling around the internet and then i bumped down to David Michaud's site, which appeared to be designed by Great Exposure. That it gaves me the impression, a hybrid that marries code and design together. Of course this has been said millions of time, but again, from my point of view, it is a beautifully done piece of web design work. And if you look closely to the details that being considered for the design, every single rollover gives interactive feedback to user indicating that they are navigating through the it. It's really one of the very important detail that a lot of casual designer lacked off. Which leads to a lot of bashing from people which thinks flash is nothing but just Flashy sellout program.

Talk about simple yet functional and informative website, look at Grand People. The clarity of the navigation makes the site stands out from its own. Neat.

And if you're looking for famous authors and quotes, or even tips in designing more effective work. Look ActionScript Toolbox. Great start for inspiration.

Was doing research towards implementing RSS/XML in Flash, and found this site, which appeared to provide a very cool Flash gallery tool, of course with a price of $20. Do check if out if you're finding a solution for your client, or as well a lot of project involving showcasing artworks or photos.
Slideshow Pro

WebDesign-Festival, 10 countries challenging each other on a showdown to showcase their best in web designing skills. An annual event i suppose.
Would like to give the credit to French N Fresh for part of the site. They rawk. lol.
1 comment:
hey manmeng, great blog! keep it up and thank you for sharing ur knowledge here. should have share tis website to the students.
my eyes open so big when i saw great exposures.
keep it! tq. love tis site.
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